vara sthāras (charrels of jhe prevention of the in-flow of Karmas) are to te rigidly adopted ard (ne who enjoins upon every one the sacred duty of abstaining from evil deeds, is a really wise man. He is a true ascetic worthy of Moksa (Final Emancipation).
Gośalaka:- Well, then, there is no harm in drinking water containing a number of small animalcules, or partaking of food containing living organic matter, as well as, of food specially prepared for one self, or in carnal intercourse with females. One of the tenets of my system of philosophy, says that sin cannot even touch a penitent ascetic who is frequenting deserted localities.
Ārdraka Mun-One who intentionally drinks unboiled water containing a number of small animalcules and one who partakes of food containing living organic matter, as well as, of food specially prepared for one's self, and one who intentionally associates with females, eunachs etc, is not an ascetic. If any one drinking unboiled water containing a number of small animalcules and partaking of food containing living organic matter, as well as, of food specially prepared for one's self, and also if anyone associating with females etc for carnal pleasures is called a śramana (an ascetic ), what other designation, can be given for a house-holder ? Cośālaka ! Begging of alms is improper for persons who are drinkig unboiled water containing a number of small animalcules, and for persons partaking of food containing living organic matter, as well as of focd specially prepared for one's self and also for persons having association of females for sensual pleasures Even a poor ascetic unable to leave off the contact of relatives will never attain Moksa (Salvation)
Gośālaka--O Ārdraka! By saying so, you are only slandering mendicants of other faiths, and you say that all the saints who partake of food containing living organic matter and green buds and vegetables, are bad ascetics and that they have accepted
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