abilities and shrewdness and he was very carefully observing the Twelve Vows of a House-holder that he had taken from Śramaņa Bhagavana Mahāvira
In course of time, whenever King Śréņika was persuading Abhaya Kumāra to accept the throne of Magadha-déśa, he would invariably request the king to wait for some time more.
One day, Abhaya Kumāra bowing down low at the feet of Śramana Bhagavan Mahâvira, inquired of the Worshipful Lord, saying --Bhagavan! Who will be the last rājarsi (royal sage)? Sramaņa Bhagavana Mahāvīra replied --King Udāyana of Vitabhaya Nagara On hearing these words, Abhaya Kumāra was greatly disappointed Going to his father King Srènika, discontented Abhaya Kumara told him that he was no longer willing to accept the Kingdom of Magadha déśa. On being asked the reason, Abhaya Kumāra told the king - Sramana Bhagavāna Mahavira has declared to day that there would be no rājarsi (royal sage) hence-forth. It will not at all be possible for me to take Diksă if I become a king, I am, therefore, desirous of renouncing all the ideas of governing kingdom and am willing to take Bhagavati Diksā. Please, graciously give me your permission' It was with great un-willingness that King Śréņika gave permission to Abhaya Kumara
Diksă of Other Princes.
Following the brilliant example of Abhaya Kumāra, several princes-Sons of King Śrèpika took Bhāgavati Diksă at the pious hands of Śramaṇa Bhagavana Mahavira. The following table gives their names and some particulars
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