aņa Bhagavāna Mahavira. He made his ātma (Soul) pure by practising two days,' three days' and more days' fastings, and austerities of various kinds.
When, however, after behaving in this way for many years and leading an exemplary ascetic life, Manaccandra Muni saw that inis body had become greatly einaciated and unable to give any work, he abstained from food and drink-materials and took a vow of remaining in religious contemplation till the end of his life by death. He went to a holy place, spread a bedding of soft Darbha grass on, a place free from vermin, and abstained from food and drink-materials. Abandoning all desires for living or for death, and giving up the slightest expectation of gaining any worldly enjoyments as a reward for severe austerities, he remained in this state for 30 days, without food and drink. At last having asked pardon for all the sins done during this life, and having devoutly atoned for the misdeeds, Mahaccandra Muni died in perfect tranquility of mind and was born as a god.
2. Vrata grahaņa of Kāma-déva Srävaka
At the time of the Bhagavatî Dîkşā of Yuva-rāja (Crown Prince) Mahaccandra at the pious hands of śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahāvira during his residence at Campā Nagari, a wealthy merchant named Kāma-deva of that town, also, took the Twelve Vows of a House-holder in the same Samavasarapa.
Kāma-deva was very wealthy. He possessed gold worth six crores, in his treasury, six crores in dealings bearing interest, and six crores in house-hold belongings. He had six-cow pens each containing ten thousand ( 10,000 ) cows.
Kāma-deva Grihapati, having taken the Twelve Vows of a house-holder from the lotus-like hands of Sramâna Bhagavāna Mahavira, like Ananda Grahapati, went to the Pauşadasālā of his town, with the permission of his son, friends, relatives, and
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