Just as living beings burdened with the mass of sinful Karmas arising from pra,avadha (killing of animais) etc, are speedily drowned in the ocean of worldly extence iike a ball of iron.
2. Just as people are easily purified by the observance of Right Knowledge, Right Faith, and Right Conduct, and they attain the regular succession of the happiness of Svarga (heaven), and Moksa (Final Emancipation).
3. Just as persons whose eyes of viveka (Correct Judgment) are covered by Mithyatva (wrong belief) do not ever think of True God, True Guru (teacher), and the True Dharma-who are destitute of all faults
4. Just as silly persons, attached to house-hold work, and not satisfied by the pleasure of sensual enjoyment, having acquired manusyatva (human existence), lose their human existence for the sake of a trifling pleasure.
Just as many persons, becoming devoid of protection and place of rescue, or account of their carelessness, meet with miseries of being burnt and of being pierced in Naraka (hell)
6. Just as people with their bodies covered with the armour of Panca Mahavrata (the Five Great Vows of ascetic life), very easily crush their abhyantara (inner) foes such as krodha (anger) etc. which are invincible to suras (gods) and a-suras (demi-gods)
7. Just as persons who have the same frame of mind towards an enemy as towards a friend, towards a gem as towards a pebble, and those who have the same frame of mind in misery as in happiness, acquire much more happiness than even gods.
8 The Jagad-guru (the preceptor of the world) Śri Jméśvara preached the Excellent Dharma in an assembly, consisting of human beings, lower animals and gods delighted with an abundance of joy.
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