I Utsarga ādāna samstarān ana-vékşya apramrijya ca
Anādarah smrityapanupasthā-panam cóti pausadhé. 1.
1. Passing urine and foeces without having carefully seeing and cleaning the pot or the ground. 2 Taking wooden couches and wooden seats without carefully seeing and cleansing them 3. Spreading one's bedding without carefully seeing and clean ing the spot 4. Disregard for the ceremony. and 5 Want of remembrance whether the ceremony has been done or not-These five are the transgressions of the Pauşadha Vrata---
Atithi - samvibhaga Vrata
( Twelfth Vow) दानं चतुर्विधाहारपात्राच्छादनसबनाम् ।
अतियिभ्योऽतिथिसंविभागवतमुदीरितम् ॥१॥ 1. Dānam catu-r-vidha ahara-pâtra-acchadana sadmanām
Atithibhyo atithisamvibhaga vratam udiritam. I
1. The giving of (1) food materials of four kinds, 2. Patras ( utensils-bowls etc) 3. Ācchädana (clothes, shawls etc) 4. Sadma (dwelling-place) to a sādhu is known as Atithi-samvibhāga Vrata
Explanation:- This corporeal body cannot be maintained without food and drink. The preservation of ascetic life, depends on good bodily health. Right conduct becomes the cause of shredding of evil karmas, finally leading to Moksa (Liberation ). Jaina Sådhus cannot keep any money with them. It becomes the evident duty of house holders to supply them with ready-made food and drink-materials. The Sådhus becoming free from the duty of earning their livelihood are thus enabled to gain knowledge and to work constantly for the spiritual up-lift of their own soul, and at the same time, to preach to them, the principles of the True Religion
For the reception of food and drink-materials, ascetics require some utensils and bowls, and for covering their body for the
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