pradaksina (walking round from left to right as a sign of respect) the Suréndras (Indras of gods) and Asuréndras (Indras of asuras demi-gods) who had decorated the foot-stool of the Jinesvara with the rays of the gems in the diadems on their slightly bent heads, did homage to the Lord, and took ther seats at appropriate places. Then, akréndra prohibited all noise, and the Jmesvara commen ced the following sermon, with a speech pure as if washed by the mass of splendour of his excellent teeth-capable of removing the doubts of numerous individuals-fit to be understood alike by gods, human beings, savages, and by brutes, and with a speech as deep as the roaring of clouds filled with water,-spreading over a distance of one yojana and pacifying the minds of all devout Individuals, as if it were, by showerings of nectar :
जह पाणवहारसमुत्थपात्रनिवहेण भारिया जीवा । अयगोलगनं भवसायरंमि मज्जति वेगेण ॥ १ ॥ जह नाणदंसणचरित्त सेवणाहिं लहु विसृज्झति । पावंति य सोक्खपरंपराउ सग्गावपत्रग्गे ॥ २ ॥ जह मिच्छत्तच्छाइयत्रिवेयनयणा मुणंति न कयात्रि । ariसदोसरहियं देवं सुगुरु च धम्मपरं (यं) ॥ ३ ॥ जह गिहकज्जासत्ता अविवत्ता कामभोग सोक्खेहि । मणुअत्तं लद्वेपि हु मुद्धा थोत्रेण हारंति ॥ ४ ॥ जह तपमायपरयाए भूरिलो तामसरणपरिहीणा । पारंति दहण भेयणपमुहाई दुहाई नरए | ५ || जह पंचमन्वयकय गूहदेहा दलति लोलाए । अभितराविग्गं अजेयममरासुरे डिपि ॥ ६ ॥
जहमत्तमिनमणिले सोक दुक्खेस तुलचित्ताण । अदिती पराभूड़ बहुययां ॥ ७ ॥
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