Full Moon, and arranged on a staff of sphatika-ratna Then there was a showering of highly smelling flowers knee-deep falling with their stalks directed down wards and surrounded by intoxicated drones hovering around. Portal arches abounding in gems, looked elegant by their taking the form of Indra dhanusya (Indra's bow) by rays of various kinds, and charming by new festoons of Welcome suspended over gate-doors The multitude of gods played upon divine musical instruments of four kinds in all quarters with a deep sound resembling the sound of ksîra sāgara ( Milk Ocean ) churned by Mandaracala ( Mount Mandara ). The sky became pervaded with multitudes of banners and hundreds of flags set in motion as if by high waves of ksíra sāgöra leaping by fierce wind. Large vāvadi (square wells with steps) were kept near each door and pairs of swans were amusing themselves on lotus-flowers full of drops of their flower-juice. An excellent dharma-cakra (wheel of dharma-an enblem of religion and justice) capable of confusing the enemy False Belief--and resembling the complete disc of the Sun, was placed on a gold lotus-flower. Bestues, the Vyantara gods joyfully prepared dévacchandaka ( a retiring curtain ) and did everything else that was suitable for it. In this way, the Samavasarana was prepared by gods in accordance with their individual qualification. The night also disappeared, as if afraid of the Sun embodied in the Jinéśvara.
At this time, the Jagadguru Sri Mah tvira Swami-adored by devas (gods) and vidya-dharas (fairies)--the abode of numerous gem-like virtues; who was led by the Indra-who had produced contentment to devout persons seeking after the Right Path-whose body was free from love and hatred-who was ready in rescuing persons falling into the pit of Samsira-who had extinguished the fire of misery of living beings of the world by the abundance of fluid of his compassion, and who was capable of crushing mountains of sins, entered the site of the Samavasaraņa by the door facing the East, and going around the simhisana (lion-seated throne) by way of pradaksiņā ( walking round, from left to right so that the right side is towards an object, as a sign of respect ) and showing, that Tirtha is worshipful to him, and saying “Namo
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