music, etc obtain Padam Sântam ithe Position of Tranquility) to creatures who have saught their shelter ?
Su-Guru ATTETRT STUT # qafqa: 1
सामायिकस्था धर्मोपदेशका गुरवो मताः ।। १ ।। 1. Mahāvratadhară dhiră bhaikşamātropajivinań
Sãmayikasthā dharmopadésakā guravo matān.
1. Those who are observing the Five Maha-vratas (1, A-himSâ-Abstinence from injury to living beings. 2. Satya Truth) 3. A-stéya (Non-stealing). t. Brahmacarya (Celibacy) and 5 Aparigraha-( Non-possession of wealth, property etc ); those who maintain themselves by taking alnis, and who are courageous in suffering hardships; those who always remain in a peaceful state of mind, and those who preach true religion are su-gurus (good teachers).
Ku-Guru सर्वाभिलाषिणः सर्व-मोजिनः सपरिग्रहाः ।
अब्रह्मचारिणो मिथ्योपदेशका गुरवो न तु ॥१॥ 1. Sarvābhilāsiņaḥ sarvabhojinah sa-parigrahāk i
A-brahmacărino mithyopadéśakā guravo na tu.
1. Those who are desirous of obtaining all things; who eat all tbings (without distinction), who possess wealth, property etc, who are not celibates; and those who preach Mithyatva (wrong belief) cannot really be (good) preceptors.
परिग्रहारंभमग्नास्तारयेयुः कथं परान् ।
स्वयं दरिद्रो न परमीश्वरीकर्तुमीश्वरः ॥२॥ 2 Parigrahārambhamagnāstārayèyuh katham paran
Svayam daridro na paramisyarîkartumisvarah.
2 How can preceptors who are completely drowned in belon
gings and in undertakings, rescue others ?
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