him tightly, mounted him, sitting on his head. The elephant, with an intention of terrifying the Indra, assumed iwo forms, and the Indra assumed two. The elephant then assumed four forms, and the Indra did the Eame. The Indra, thereupon, knowing the real nature of affairs, thru Avadhi Jnana, threatened the elephant. The elephant then assumed his natural form,
The Indra, with such a retinue, was enjoing the pleasures of celestial happiness amid the sound of music of continuous dramatic performance, lute, clapping of hands, and other stringed instruments, and amid the solemn heating of the drum which produces deep sound like that of rouring of clouds, and the attractive sound of the kettle-drum. 13
१४ इमं च णं केवलकप्पं जंबुद्दीवं दीवं विउलेणं ओहिणा आमोएमाणे विहरइ । तत्य णं समणं भगवं महावीरे जंबुदीने दीवे, मारहे वासे, दाहिणडमरहे, माहणकुंडग्गामे नयरे, उसमदत्तस्स माहणस्स कोडालसगुत्तस्स मारियाए देवाणंदाए माहणीए जालंधरसगुत्ताए कुच्छिसि गम्भताए वत्तं पासइ । पासित्ता हह-तु-चित्तमाणंदीए, नंदिए, परमाणदिए, पीइमणे, परमसोमणस्सिए, हरिसत्रसविसप्पमाणहिअए, धाराहयकयंब-सुरहि कुसुम-चंचुमालइअ-ऊसलिअरोमकूवे, विअसियवरकमलाणणनयणे, पयलिस वरकडग-तुडिअ-केजर-मउड-कुंडल-हारविरायंताच्छे, पालापलंघमाणघोलंतभूसणधरे, ससंममं तुरिअं चवलं सुरिंदे सीहासणाओ अभुटे । अब्भुद्वित्ता पायपोढाओ पचोरुहइ । पचोरुत्तिा वेरुलिय-परिहरिद्वजण निउगोवचिअमिसिमिसितमणि रयणमण्डिआओ पाउआओ ओमुअइ। ओइत्ता एगसाडि अं उत्तरासंग करेइ । करित्ता अंजलिमउलि अग्गहत्थे तित्ययराभेमुहे सत्तटुपयाइं अणुगच्छइ । अणुगच्छित्ता वामं जाणुं अंबेइ, अंचिता वाहिणं जाणुं धरणितलंसि साहटु तिक्खुत्तो मुद्धाणं धरणितलंसि निवसेइ। निवेसित्ता ईसि पच्चुनमइ । पच्चुनमित्ता कडग-तुडिय-थंभिभाओ भुआओ
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