Persons whose palms of hands are red, are wealthy; with grecu palms of hands, a man is a drunkard; with yellow palms, he is full of lust; and with black palms of hands, the man is a pauper. It is better to have the hands of a male, hard; that hardness should not be the consequence of hard labour, but it must be natural. It is better to have the hands of a female soft.
While looking out for signs and lines in hands, in the case of a male, It should be the right hand that should be investigated, while it should be the left hand in the Case of a female.
He whose palms of hands are elevard is charitablydisposed; whose palms are superficial is " pauper, and he whose palms of hands are round and deep like a bowl, is a wealthy man. The fingers of the hand should be thin and straight.
१० अनामिकाऽन्त्यरेखायाः कनिष्ठा स्याद् यदाऽधिका ।
धनवृद्धिस्तदा पुंसां, मातृपक्षे । बहुस्तथा ॥ १० ॥
10 Anamika antyarékhayan kanistha syad yada'dhika; Dhanavriddhistada pumsām mātripakṣo bahustatha
10 A man whose little unger is longer than the lastjoint of the ring-finger, has increase in wealth, and the number of relatives on the maternal side is great.
Jain Education International
११ मणिबन्धात् पितुर्लेखा लेखे दे यान्ति तिम्रो
करभाद्विभवाऽऽयुषेोः । तर्जन्यंगुष्ठाकान्तरम् ॥ ११ ॥
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तेषां गात्रधनाऽऽयूषि सम्पूर्णान्यन्यथा न तु ॥ १२ ॥
11 Mapibardhat piturlekha kurabhad-vibhavá'yuṣob; Lekhe dvé yanti tisro'pi arjanyanguṣthakāntaram.
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