Tenth Rainy Season at Śrāvasti Nagari observing a fasting of four months-(470) Eleventh Year of Ascetic Life-In Kāyotsarga at Sănuşaştika observing sixteen lasts, and practising Bbadra, Mahi bhadra and Sarvato-bhadra Pratima-Breakfast at the house of Ananda Gathāpati-Went to Draghabhumi sull of mlécchas (bar barians)-Remained in contemplation in a temple of Polāsa Yaksa outside Pédtāla-grāma-Mo'estation from Sangama déva-(476). Twenty tormenting harassments during one night-( 477-433 ). Inability to get pure food for six months as it was daily polluted by Sangama. Having failed in his attempt. Sangama goes awaySangama driven away from déva-loka (787) Break-fast at the house of an old cowherdess-(488) To Ālambhikä-Stull by Vidyut Kumāréndra-(483) Svetambika Nagari-(489) Stuti by Harissaha Indra-Srāvasti-(489) The idol of Skanda-Kausa nbi Nagari-(490) Candra and Sūrga in mula (original) vimāna-Vāņārasi NagariStuti by Saudharmendra-Rājagrika-Stuti by Isanendra-Mithila Nagari-Honoured by King Janaka and extolled by Dharanéadra, To Vaisāli-Eleventh Rainy Season at Vaisāli-In contemplation with a lasting of four months-Stuti by B:ūtānanda ( King of the Bhujanga-dévas)-Jirņa Setha śrāvaka-(491) Abhinava Śréşthi-492) Kévali-desana-493) Twelvth jear of Ascetic Life-After breakfast at Abhinava Śresthi's house, Bhagavān went to Susumārapura. In contemplation under a Asoka tree in Aśoka-khanda-Utpåta of Camarendra-(494) History of Camarendra-(495) To Bhogapura Nagara. Molestation by a kşatriya named Mahendra-(504) To Nandi-gråma. Adored by Nandi (a friend of King Siddhārtha) (509) To Méndhaka-grama-Molestation by a cowherd-(578) To Kaufámbi Nagari-King Satānika-Mrigāvti-Abhigraha (vow) of śramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra-(510) King Dhdhivāhana and Queen Dhāripi of Campå Nagari-Vasumati daughter of Dhäriņi-Dhanävaha Setha and Müla Séthāni-Candanā-(514) Pitiable condition of Candadā (519) Fulfilment of the abhigraha of Sramana Bhagavān Mabăvira. Bhiksā of dry Udada beans tropa Candana-(521). To Su-mangala. grāma-(524) Stuti by Sanat Kumāra Indra-To Sukşetra Sannivega. (524) Homage by Indra of Mahendra déva-loka-To Pälaka-grāma Molestation by Dhāhila-(524) Went to Campă Nagari. Twelvth
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