CHAPTER VII. Early Life-Naming-(2109 Playing with boys-(214) Molestation by a piśāca-Going to School-(218) YouthMarriage-(225) Family Relation-Death of Parents-(238) Request to King Nandivardhana for permission to renounce the world(239) Samvatsarika Dăna-(241) Request of Lokāntika gods to Vardhamāna Swāmi. (244-248)
CHAPTER VIII, Diksă Mahotsava-Dikşā-(249--278)
CHAPTER IX. Period of Chadmastha Kala of Ascetic Life-First Year of Ascetic Life-(280) Going to Kūrmāja-grāmaRemaining in Käyotsarga outside the village-(282) Gift of the half the portion of divine garment to Soma Brāhmio-Molestation froin a cowherd-(282-281) Went to Kollāga Sannivésā early next morning-(285) Break-fast at the bcuse of a Brāhmin named Banula-(285) Went to Morāga Sanniveśa; Guest of Jvalana Śarmā in one of the cottages of Duijianta hermits-(288) Taking of five abhigrabas (minor vows)-(291) Went to Asthika (Vardhamana) grāma-First Rainy Season at Asthika-grāma-passed with a continuous fasting of eight periode of a fortnight each-Molestation from Sulapāņi Yakşa-(306) Ten Great Dreams-Astrologer Utpala saying out the meaning of the dreams-(314) Second Year of Ascetic Life (316) Morāga Sanniveśa-Acchandaka-316) To Uttara Vācāla-On the way, while crossing the bank of Suvarna-kulā River, the remaining half of the divine garment slipped down from the shoulder of the Bhagavān and was taken away by Soma (332-294) Brāhmin who was following him for the other half-Kanaka khala aśrama-Caņd - kausika sarpa-(323) Gobhadra-(32 ) Vidyāsiddha(328) Candralekhā (331) Candrakantā-(332) Dharma-ghosa Sūri(347) Preaching-(347) Muni Gobhadra-(355) Candakusika tāpas(356) Caņdakausika sarpa biting Bhagavān-(359) Enlightening Caņdakausika sarpa-(359) Svétambikā-Pradési king-On way to Surabhipura-Meeting of Pradesi Rājā; Crossing ihe River Ganges in a small wooden boat-Molestastion (rom Nāga Sudanstra déva (soul of the lion severed into two pieces by Tripristha Vāsu déva) Kambala and Sambala dévas came to the rescue of the boat-(370) Thupāga Sannivéfa-Puspa astrologer-(370) Festival at Bhandir Vana
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