"O leaders of troops!" Soldiers etc! Let any body take away what. ever he likes from this town. There is no objection on my part Soon after proclamation of the royal order, the soldiers destroyed the fortress, broke open the doors of the town and plundered the whole town. During this state of complete anarchy, Dhāriņt the chief queen of King Dadhivāhana-while running from one place to another for safety, was caught by a soldier of the king, along with her daughter Vasumati With his heart's desire fulfilled, King Satānika returned to his capital town.
Then, the soldier of Satānika's army, becoming enamoured with the beauty, charm, and elegance of Queen Dhāriņi was telling the highway travellers:- 'She will become my wife and I will sell her daughter." Extremely terrified on hearing these words, Dhariņi thought:- Ah! Why did I take birth at the house of Cétaka Mahārājā in a family renowned in the whole world and with a fame as white as the Moon? Or, why did King Dadhivahana at whose feet several feudatory princes were bending their heads, select me as his chief queen! Besides however, how is it that the soundness of judgment resulting from careful hearing of Agamas preached from the mouths of Jinéśvaras and my indifference to cvil actions have a permanent place in my mind? Also, why does this timid and shameless soldier Bay with reference to me, I shall make her my wife?" Therefore, O sinful soul! Why do you not till now. leave the body on hearing the words never heard before! Ah! Shameless! will you tolerate violation of chastity? Females of a noble family do not allow their chastity which is as white as the Śiva-hasya ( the smile of Jiva.) or, is a swan to be. blemished for sensual pleasure which is as fleeting as the ear of an elephant. Or moreover, how will this daughter of mine brought up in my lap retain her life when she has fallen into the hands of some wicked and when she has been afflicted with the persons, pangs of of separation from me?" Now, her scul, censured as if by the sharp agony resulting from these painful thoughts, left her body piercing her heart. On seeing her untimely death, the perplexed soldier thought: This magnanimous female seems to be the wife
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