and within a twinkling of the eye, he reached the heavens. On seeing his dreadful appearance, the gods became surprised; the tying cords of the waist-cio hs of goddesses saying, 'Ah! What is this? became loose with fear; soldiers became afflicted with fear as if stupefied although they did not care even for their own liv:s; body-guards were confused like babies; loka-pălas (worldguardians) were driven away; kāmānika gods became bewildered with what should be done; the traçatrimsaka déva: ( the thirtythrie gods of venerable position ) were greatly startled; and airāvana (lodra's elepliant) began to run away uttering a disagreeable cry. Then, placing one of his feet on the Vedi-shaped altar of lotus-lcwers, and the other in Sudharma asserably-hall, and having given three heavy blows to the door by means of his sphatika ratna (crystai gem), he angrily said :-"O vile gods ! Where is Purandara-who is ainu:ing himself happily in his own house, who is clever ia thoughtlessly doing work; who is dis. Jaining other warriors on account of his superior strength; and who is confident of victory over his enemies simply because he did not meet with any misfortune? Also, where are eighty-four thousand sämānika gods who are careful In showing service done to their master simply by accomplishing their own ends by cra: stily not caring for what is proper to do, as well as, for what is not? Besides where are the eighty-four thousand body-guard gods equipped with the din of unsuccessful weapons of various kinds? Where is the Vajra (lodra's thunder-bolt )-capable of piercing tops of high mountains-gone now! Where are several millions of celestial females-lav-ly by possessing unique beauty Ah! on seeing your destruction, do not say that the lord of Camaracancă fraudulently killed you without informing you of his arrival there. I am, now, going to destroy you-helpless creatureslike a wishered tree, and to reduce you to small pieces resern')ling cubes of sugar with my sphatike-ratna weapon. What else can I say? I want to throw you-shelterless wretches simultan eously into the month of yama (God of Death); now, do whatever you like to do, and remember your worshipful deity. Find out all the methods of saving your lives. Or, lowering your heads down
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