it is so minute? Or, what is the use of saying this much? Where Is your fault when you have not experienced my prowess? If you say so. I can easily amuse my self by making mountainranges rise up and fall down like a ball in the palm of my bands only by a push. Or, I can combine into one, the three worlds which are quite separate, simply by the force of my powerful arms." Permitted as if by the echo issuing from bis residential abode filled with the strange verbosity of speech caused by violent anger, Camaréndra at once started from the assembly of his frightened sãmānika gods with the object of having a fight with Saudharmendra. Under the influence of more composed judgment after a moment, Camaréndra again thought :-“ My sâmānika asuras ( demons) are afraid of the Indra, and so I am not able to judge about the result of my enterprise, but, then, in case I am defcated, whose shelter should I take to defend myself from repulsive attack.?” With this idea in his mind, Camarendra saw śramapa Bhagavan Mabāvīra Prabhu in Kāyotsarga at Susumārapura through the medium of bis Avadhi Jñāna. Immediately on seeing him, he got up from his divine bed, and having put on divine garments, he went in to an armoury named Coppyālaka, equipped with adamantine weapons of various kinds. From the armoury, Camarendra took # very extensive iron-mace resembling the arm of the God of Death, and being anxiously awaited by female demons, being watched by body-guards bewildered as to what should be done now, being disregarded by sāmānika asuras as he was ill-behaved, and dreaded by the bhavana-pati gods that some unexpected misfortune is likely to occur, he went out of his capital townCamaracancă and very hastily reached the place where sramapa Bhagavān Mahăvira was. Having walked three times from left to right round Sramaņa Bbagav&n Mahāvira with great devotion and having bowed down respectfully at the Jinéśvar's feet, he said :-"O Lord I By the supernatural powers of your lotus-like feet, even long-cherished fancies difficult to be fulfilled are easily accomplished. By your grace, I am desirous of making Saudharmendra powerless, and destitute of supreme authority.” With
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