of my
to serve them. All this is the result of merit or sin of previous life. in the morning, I will entertain my family-members sumptuously, hand over the management house hoid affairs to my son, and I will take Tapasa-dîkṣā- (Initiation into an order of religious mendicancy). After Sun-rise, he invited all his family-members, he entertained them sumptuously with great affection, and having hospitably respected them with tāmbula (betel leaves) and other articles, he told them with an anjali (two hands formed into a hollow cavity) in front of his forehead "O kinsmen! Listen to me. I have now become free from worldly pleasures. I want to remove my burden of the duties of a house-holder. My attachment towards my wife; my son, my friends, and towards my amily-members has disappeared; you therefore, give me your permission for my accepting dānāmā bravrajya (an order of ascetic life). You pardon me, now, for whatever disagreeable acts I may have done towards you while I was with you. Now you entertain the same partiality towards my son, that you had for me." Saying so lovingly, he entrusted the burden of his house-hold affairs and the care of his family members to his son. He showed him all his valuable treasures, advised him to take proper care of all the family-members, and he did every thing that was suitable for the moment Then, at a lucky moment, on an auspicious day, Purana left off his house-holder's life and having taken a wooden utensil with four divisions, he took Dāņāmā tāpāsa-pravrajyā (initiation into an order of dāņāma tāpasa mendicancy). From that very day, he constantly observed a chattha (two days' fasting-tap) and he began an inquiry into his soul. On the day of his break-fast, he used to take his wooden utensil, and while moving about to various houses of rich well as, persons, as of the poor for alms at mid-day, he would give away to travellers and needy persons whatever he received into the first division of the wooden utenail; to crows, dogs etc., whatever he obtained in the second division; to fishes, alligators, and to other aquatic animals whatever he had in the third division, and he would take his meal without any attachment, from the alms that he received in the
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