indicative of the break-fast of Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira, the pious Jirna Seth would baye entered a higher stage of deep religious meditation, and he would have acquired the all-illuminating Kévala Jñana (Perfect Knowledge.) This Abhinava Seth is totally devoid of pious intentions. He has not himself made a gift of food and drink materials to Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvīra. Knowing him to be an ordinary mendicant, he ordered his maidservant to give him some food as a routine practice of a house-holder. In commemoration of the Jinéśvara's break-fast, the gods showered wealth, divine garments flowers etc. which may or may not prove useful to him during this life. O beloved of the gods ! Ascetic life, giving of alms, or worship of cherished deities without pious intentions is futile like a Kasa-Kusuma (a flower in the air)." After hearing about the difference in the production of fruit of the giving of alms with a pure devout heart to an Arhat Prabhu and of the same without any good intention, the king and the towns-people, having loudly applauded the highly religious life of Jirga Seth, went away.
Camaréndra Seeking Shelter of Śramana
Bhagavan Mahāvīra.
Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvira now went to Susumãra-purî and remaining on a stone-slab under an Aśoka tree in a garden named Aśoka-khanda, he stood in Käyotsarga (renunciation) of one night's duration, with a firm resolve of alihama tapa (a three days' fasting) and keeping his unwinking eyes steadily fixed on a material object and his body slightly bent.
At that time, an Indra named Camaréndra,- of the asurakumara gods-came and got himself concealed, like a big elephant in the cavity formed by the two legs of Śramana Bhagavan Mahavira marked by the anspicious signs of a concha, fishes, lotus-flower etc. Now listen to the account. Who was Camaréndra? Why was he frightened by Sakréndra? Who was he in his previous life?
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