This is recognized by Dr. Bircher-Benner. "By means of a heavy, dimly-lighted diet-rich in all the different kinds of flesh and stimulants, people not only invite diseases, they build within themselves barricades against the wisest and the most powerful friend of their life against the spirit. Thus, we find from another aspect of the scul's good.-Yet another urgent reason, why the layman gives up all flesh-food.
Many people and among them, a fair number who consider themselves vegetarians, place touching faith in the value of flesh foods such as the egg in the diet. Dr. Bircher-Benner entirely refutes the idea of their value. He takes the egg and proceeds to show-how much value there is in it. The hen's egg is a complete synthesis of food-material for the first period of growth of a living being. But try to feed a human being on hen's eggs alone, or even with a diet in which hen's eggs form the chief constituent. This person will soon fall ill. The digestive organs will refuse to act, the kidneys will excrete albumen, and will generally become inflamed. And if you do not soon abandon year experiment the grave injury to his organism will cost him his life. Why? Because the wisdom of life, designed the foodmaterial of the egg only for the life-stage of the embryo-chicken, characterised by certain conditions for a stage of most rapid growth without motion." He says the same thing about Milk. Again it is expressly for the new-born animal, not the grown
up man.
His book, also, contains a discussion on vitamins. But what are the vi amins? he asks. Something intangible, something that exists-that acts, and yet something that no one has been able to find" He explains that they originate only in the vegetable kingdom. This he thinks, makes the relation of animal to vegetable food more readily understood. He argues that it is known that vitamins are contained in animal products like cod liver oil,
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