the place where śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvīra was standing in Kāyotsarga and wert out with the object of worshipping the idol of Ra Skanda,-Son of siva. As soon as the towns-people made water-ablutions to the idol, and, having smeared it with fragrant sandal paste, as soon as the idol was placed on the chariot, Harissaha Indra, inquiring through the medium of his Vibhange Jñāna (a variety of Avadli Jñāna), saw people discarding Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira, and worshipping the idol of Skanda. Harissaha Indra came down from his déva-loka and entered the body of the image of Skanda. The idol presided over by Harissaha Indra began to move in the direction in which Sramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira was standing in Kāyotsarga On seeing the idol of Skanda moving without any help, the delighted people thought O! the idol of the god is trying to ride the chariot by itself without any help). But, the idol of Skanda, leaving the chariot aside, went to the place where śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira was standing, and having gone round him three times and having fallen at his feet, it took a seat on the ground and began to praise him. On seeing this wonderful incident, the people, astonishingly thought:- 0! This great mun is woréhipped even by gods. He is posseseed of extraordinary supernatural powers. We have made a mistake that we disregarded bim.” The people realising their fault, began to exto! Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvîra with greater respect.
Śramana Bhagavăn Malāvīra then went to trait arrit Kauśãmbi Nagari. There, in ('andra-Moon-and Sūrya-the Sun,-the tutelary deities of the solar system-came in their ori ginal vimāna (celestial car) to pay homage to the Revered Lord who was standivg in Kayotsarga. In the presence of the wonder stricken public, they went round the Bhagavān three times, and having fallen at his feet, they took their seats at an appropriate place. Having inquired about his health during vihāra (tourings ) and having experienced the happiness of looking at śramaņa Bhagavān Mahävira for some time, they went to their appro. priate abodes.
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