from here Better to have it inhabited by robbers” Saying so, the Indra angrily pushed out Samgamaka alore from the heaven witk his own fot. Samgamuka on seeing his loss of honour, thought :- All This is the evil ODAsequence of Bcts done without discriinination." He went towards Mount Meru in an artificial vimana i celestial car ) with violent anguish at heart,
Then, wbus:d by divine damsels, censured by his own retinue, pushed cnward by the soldiers of the Indra and disregarded by samānika gods, Samgamaka went out of the svarga heaven) and lived on the summit of Mount Méru during his remaining life. limit of one sāgaropam. The agra-mahisi: (chiel concerts ) of Sy mgamka requested Purandara thus :- "O lord 1. With your permission we are willing to go with our husband The Indra allo. wed them to go, :nd prohibited the rest of his retinue from rccompanying him.
Then, Bhagavān Śri Vardhamana Swami becoming free from harassments went into the village for alms the next-day and going from door to door, he went into the house of an aged cowherdess. She offered higly perfumed boiled milk for break-fast to śramana Bhagavān Mahāvîra who was observing a continuous fasting for the las! six months, with a heart full of devotion, Presiding gods of neighbouring locality contented by the break--fast of Bbagavāt even aster fasting of a long duratiou began to play upon divine musical instruments and they poured showers of gold flowers, and of scented waters, exclaiming at the same tiine a fia! Eta! Aho dāna! Aho dāna! O what a wonder. ful gift! The poverty of the cowherdess thus removed.
Śrannaga Bhagavān Mahāvîra then went to wafiaurat Alamchikă Nagari. There, Hari-che Indra of the Vidyut-Kumāra with his heart full of devotion, towards Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira we:it around him three times from right to left, and falling down respectfully at his feet, he began to eulogize him thus:-O Vanquisher of the unconquerable flower-arrowed Cupid, the accomplisher of the Treasure of Imperishable Happiness!-the only courageous Warrior on the battle-field of upacargas (disturb.
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