a god named Samgamaka-a veritable unjon of innumerable blemisbes-who possessed the same exalted position as the Indra, who had instantly become destitute of shame and moral bounds, and who always was impudent and disobedient, told the Indra thus:-“ O Master! Why do you thus praise a worthless ascetic in an assembly of gods? Or else, even the unrestrained talk of masters may appear pleasant. It is true that if there is perfectly pure excellence in him, why should he cherish a heterodoxy other than malatenance of the house-bold ! Wise persons do not advocate any other religious duty except the house-holder stage. Whai le praise-worthy in timidly renouncing it? Besides, what you say that even the Indras are not able to disturb his mind from his religious contemplation is not befitting you. Who can compete with gods who are powerful enough to hold the earth in their expanded hands as if in a play, who can weigh Mount Méru with its highest peak as if it were a small ball, and who being enraged even by -speech, are able to put the three worlds, Into the mouth of Yama (the God of Death )1 If you really believe in my words, I need not put him into trouble. Otherwise, see, I will make bim swerve from his determination, ” On bear. ing these haughty words af Samgamaka ihe astonished Indra thought :-"Ah! This god is always devoid of polite manners, owing to a dense covering of his evil Karmas, If I prevent him, at this conjecture, he will surely think that. The Worshipful Saint becoming perfectly steady by the help of Indra, engages bimself in austerities, and that he does not depend on his own prowess.” With this idea in his mind, the Indra remained silent. Tben Samgamaka bearing much animosity, went out of the asso. mbly-hall with a firm determination saying. “Ab! what strength does he possess ! I will certainly make him swerve from his firm resolve positively to-day," although he was prevented by his advisory gods and retinue; and he directly went to the place where śramapa Bhagavān Mahāvira was.
On seeing Sramana Bhagav&Mahävira-the disinterested benefactor of the world-standing uodisturbed lu Käyotsarga, the god became angry, and he tried to make Sramapa Bhagavio
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