Ah! Are you a celebrated saint or a bed of lice ? Or, are you a female or a male ? I cannot clearly make it out. Ah! your sereneness !” On hearing this, indulgent Vaiśyāyana did not utter a word. The ill-behaved Gośāja repeatedly asked him three times. Although Vaiấyäyana was of a naturally tranquil nature, the fire of his violent anger stirred up by offending words, was instantly aroused like a briskiy rubbed piece of sandal wood, and he directed a mass of Téjo lésyā spreading with rising flames towards Gośāla with the object of burning him, During the mean-time, Śramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra with the object of protecting Gośāla, established its antagonist Sita-léśyā capable of nullifying the injurious effects of Téjo-léśyā. And, as a result the Téjo-leśyā encircled on all sides by Śita-lèśyā was extingui. shed instantly, like a spark of fire cooled down by a shower of snow. Now, Vaiśyāyana becoming gentle with politeness at seeing the extra-ordinarily supreme supernatural powers of Sra. maņa Bhagavān Malāvīra began to request his pardon with che following words:-“O Lord! I did not know that the ill-behaved man was your disciple. Now, I can understand that he is your disciple. Forgive me for my offence.” When Vaiśyāyana was talking in this way, Gośāla asked śramana Bhagavān Mahavira. "O Bhagavān what is this man a bed for lice-prattling like a lunatic ? The Lord replied " O good man! going away from me, when you said; ' Is he i Muni? and used such offending words, he patiently endured all your words but when you went on repeating them very often, he directed a violent, extense, and over-powering mass of Téjo-léśyā which could not be extingui. shed by water and other cooling measures, towards you with the object of burning you aliv:>. But, before the Téjo-léśyā could reach your body, I interpolated around your body Śita-léśyā - cooling like the Moon or a mass of snow, with the object of nullifying the injurious effects of Téjo-léśyā. On seeing your body unburnt through the medium of Sita-leśyā, the enraged Vaiśyāyana curbed his anger, and said, "O Lord! I did not know that this lll-bebaved man was your disciple. Please forgive me for my impudence " On hearing these words of Vaiśyāyana the bewildered Gośāla, bowed down respectfully at the feel of
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