At that time, Valbyāyana commenced business transac. tions with the object of acquiring wealth. One day, with a cart tilled with ghee (clarified butter), Vaiśyāyana went to Campā Nagari along with a number of his friends. There was a great festival going on there, and people adorning their bodies with valuable orna. ments and excellent silk garments, were enjoying various pleasures in company with females, according to their wish, in triangular spaces, squares, and in courtyards On seeing them happily enjoying various pleasures, Vaiśyāyana thought :- Ah ! how these citizens are enjoying themselves! Why should I not do it also ! I, also, bave some riches. What is the use of unduly protecting it ! Weath is spent either in a sacred place of pilgrimage, or gifts to neery and miserable persons, or in objects of enjoyment once as well as, of repeated enjoyments.
It is said :
दानं भोगो नाशस्तिस्रो गवयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य यो न ददाति न सुंक्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिर्भवति ॥ १ ॥ दैवाक्तयमपि जाते सति विभवे यस्य नैव भोगेच्छा।
दाने च न प्रवृत्तिः स भवति धनपालको मूर्खः ॥ २॥ 1. Dānam bhogo nāśastisro gatayo bhavanti vittasya,
Yo na dadāti ra bhuikte tasya tritīyā gatirbhavati, 1 2. Daivātkathamapi jāté sati vibhavé yasya naiva bhngéccha,
Dåné ca na pravrittiḥ sa bhavati dhanapālako mūrkhah. 2 Danam (the giving of gifts to the needy and miserable ) 2. Bhoga ( enjoyment ) and 3 Nāsa (destruction, loss ) - these three are the outlets of wealth. His is the third
outlet (Nasa), who does not give, and who does not enjoy. 2. That stupid man becomes a protector of wealth, who has
no desire for its enjoyment, and who has no propensity for making gifts, although he any how accidentally pour esses wealth. 2
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