and while moving about for a long period, I never came accross such a strange combination. Clever Fate certainly brings about an union of similar individuals although they may be residing very far off.
तत्तिल्लो विहिराया अणेरे वि जो अहिं घसइ ।
जं जस्स होइ सरिसं तं हस्स दुइज्जयं देइ ॥१॥ 1. Tattillo vibirāyā jane'idūrė vi jo jabim vasal,
Jam jassa höl sarisam cam tassa duijjayam déi. 1
When Gośāla was, thus, repeatedly talking in their presence, and when he would not in the least cease talking, they avgrily beat bim severely, and having tied him securely, they threw him into a dense mass of bamboos. Lying flat on his body, he loudly said, "O swāmin, why do you neglect me in this way ! I bave fallen into this thicket of bamboos. Please deliver me by all means from this unbearablo misery." When Gesala was loudly talking tbus. Siddhārt ba-deva said, "O good man! you have done all this. Now, bear it patientiy. Why do feel needlessly annoyed!” Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira, then walked a little onward, and when he was walting for Gośāla through mercy towards him, on account of his own predilection for sharing joy, and sorrows in common for a long time, the people thought. "The depraved rogue must either be a servant or an umbrella-bearer of this Vvenerable Sage; he is therefore walting for hem, it is not proper to hold him back » So they set Gośála free. Śramapa Bhagavān Mahāvīra, then, went into a place named go-bhūmika. The place was well-known as go-bhmika on account of abundance of fodder and water for cattle there. There, also, Gośāla, on account of his quarre!some nature, began to address the cowherds as :- barbarians! O ugly wretches ! where does this road lead to ? The cowherds replied, "O vlllain! why do you unnecessarily offend us! Gośāla said, "O sons of slaves ! O brutes ! If you cannot meekly endure, I will abuse you more. Is it a faise statement ! you are certainly like barbarlans. Can I not say out a truth 1 What fear have I from you !
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