30. Iya bho devāņupiga! tinni payattha mae tuha pagattha,
Farikabiya, ééelm padbamo tumae tayam vibig. 30 31. Anne puna fivega dhamma kus ala buddhihim janti k&um jó,
Saddhape-cāņa dram 1å gihidhammam pavajjeru. 31
1. The building of temples for the Lord Jinésvara 2. The worship of his image at three diurnal junctures ( sunrise, noon, sunset), and 3 Eagerness in giving gifts:- These three are obtained by punya (meritorious deeds).
2. Happy are they who get prepared with their own wealth, a Jina-mandira ( temple for a Jirésvara) which in the source of the tree of Entire Happiness and which is the trapdoor for (warding off) essentially evil conditions.
3. Why should not, those, who get bullt a Jina-mandira elegant like the top of the snow-mountain (Himalaya), accomplish their desired object as if fike mere sport?
4 Even ordinarily, while having a Jina-graba bullt, how can the mass of punya (meritorious action) be measuredi Then, what an immense amount of punya will accrue from having an old temple repaired according to the prescribed rulet
5. Therefore, o illustrious person! this work has been really, well-begun by you, that this repair-work of the finatemple has been done by the wealth acquired by your own handa.
6. If this (repair-work) was not done, there would have been an extermination of a sacred place, want of devotion towards Jinesvaras, non-frequenting of pious sädbūs, and absence of acquision of enlightened intellect for devout individuals.
7. After having got prepared this (a Jinamandira) which is like a boat for crossing the ocean of worldly existence, a Jigappadimā (image of a Jineśvara) extermely calm, and beautiful, should be made. 7
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