king engrossed in a whirl of doubts, began to weep loud very sorro fully with an incessant flow of tears from his eyes. With the spread of the news of probable death of Sūraséna Kamāra, all the feudatory princes becarne much grieved, the army of servants was greatly dejected, ministers were overwhelmed with confusion, and females of the harem were crying piteously. After lamenting for a long time, Ratnávalī also, fatigued under the burden of exterme sorrow, feil down unconscious on the ground, and she regalued her natural condition after vebement consolation from her maid-servanty. With the advent of night, darkness resembling Anjana-giri, fpread in all directions. Nearly at midplght, Ratnāvoli told her nurse:- 'O mother with the loss of my husband, what is the use of my remaining alive? Why should I put up with the insults of low persons? Why should I see the distresseri faces of my relatives at my father's house? Why should I listen to harsh words of wicked persons enraged with the slightest cause? I give you solemn oath in the name of my Ovitin life, that you should not act against my wish. For the present, you become my companion. Enough of pleasure arising from bordage of love. Its course is always strange. Misery finally results from the eating of the fruits of Kim Päka (a kind of fruits which are very sweet, but, which are exteremely poleonous in the end ) but the meeting of the beloved, turns out to be fraught with difficulty also in the beginning. I zbink; that desperate Fate must have made the pleasure of meeting with one's belowed, as if combined with the fickleness of ears of an elephant, of a lightning, or of a rain-bow, and it is for that reason only, that shrewd persons avoid love, as if it were a serpent in a hole. They alone realize the greatness of the virulent force of separation from beloveds." The nurse said “O daughteri In what kind of work do you desire me to be your accomplice! She replied:,- "O mother! for the purpose of putting an end to my life afficted with the burning fire of unbearable separation from my beloved." The nurse said:- "O child! Why do you become so hasty? Uutil now, we have not goi any detinite news, and the fulfillment of one's desire for death is
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