places viz Prahlāsa Pusakara. Ganges, Kuruksetra, Sarasvai Dévikā and Candrabhāgā, Sindhu and als: Mavānasi, Majaya, Yamunā Naimisha forest, and Gayā, Sarayū and Kausika, Ložitya and Mabānadam the non--ating of flesh is not equal, o Yudhisthira It is superior.
17. If one gives away the Mourt Meru of gold and also the eotire world, the non-eating of flesh is not tqual C Yudhisthira. But it is superior.
18. The non eating of fiesh is not equal to-the giving of gold, the giving of cows and also to the giving of land. But it is superior.
___19. If one gives away a thousand of brownish cows every month, to mendicants the 1100-eating of tlesh is not equal. O Yudhisthira. But it is superior.
इय लोइयसत्थेसु वि परिहरणिज्जत्तणेण निदिट्ठ मंस महाविसपि व किं पुण लोउत्तरे समए ? २० ॥ जइ मजमंसविरई बहुदोसत्तेण होइ कायबा। तह रयाणिभोयणापेवि परिहरणिजं सयन्नेहिं ॥ २१ ।। जइ वि हु फासुगमन्नं कुंथुपणगा तहा वि दुप्पस्सा। पञ्चक्खनागिणो वि हु राईमत्तं परिहरंति ॥ २२ ॥ जइ वि हु पीवीलिगाई दीसंति पईवजोइउज्जोए । तह वि खलु अगाइन्न मूलवयविराहणा जेण ॥ २३ ॥ इय भो देवाणुपिया ! संसारतरुस्स रुंदकंदसमं । मजं मंसं निसिभोयणं च नाउं परिच्चयह ॥ २४ ॥ किं वा मूढा अच्छह नो पेच्छह छिद्दपाणिपुडपडियं । सलिलंपिव विगलंतं पइसमयं चेव नियजीबं ॥२५॥ केत्तियमेतं एवं ? अजवि संसारचारगविरत्ता। रज्जंपि विवजिता पव्वज्जं संपवज्जति ॥ २६ ॥
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