who being a bellever in the doctrines of the Tírthankaras during his previous life, was greatly delighted on seeing the Jinésvara in religious contemplation und who worsbipped him with fresh Pārijā'aka blossoms full of multitudes of bees attracted there by their fragrance, and with sandal-paste mixed with saffron and camphor, with great devotion. Who was Bibhélaka during his previous lite? An account of his previous life is as follows:
Previous Life of Bibhélaka Yakşa.
King Mahšsena of Sri-pura Nagara in Magadha-dega and his wise yamed Śri had a soli named Sūrasena who was clever in all arts and sciences. Although Sürasena had already advanced to youth, he never cast a glance on beautiful young females. Even with frequent remonstrance, he did not accept any talk about marriage but like an excellent rage, be used to control his passions and pass his time in amusing bimself with various experienced persons. King Manāsena becoming bewildered at this state of his only suri, consulted numerous persons clever in Mantras (incantations), and Tantras (mystical science), and adopted various means, bui there was no change in the mental inclination of Sūrasena.
One day, King Mahasena, riding on an exceilent elephant went for a pleasure-trip outside the town, and when he was returning home after giving his horses and elephants & brisk ride over differenő regions, the king on seeing own-people in excellent garments, going in chariots, palunquins, on horses, and on foot towards the pleasure.-garden, inquired: -'Ahl where are these towo-people going in one direction only leaving aside all their individual work! To day there is no festival in honour of any god; also there is no drainatic performance of any actors or dancers” One of his retinue said, "O worthy master! Do you not know that there is an arrival here of an acaryu named Süraprabha who has acquired unique fame in this world by removing the darkness of doubts about the nature of past and future objects in accordance vith his appropriate name! Also,
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