abimsă. It is impossible for a Jaina saint to bless any offensive weapon or armies that are marching against their fellow men. There is not one 108tance, where the Jaina saints bav: forgotten themselves and their religious obligation in this regard. The Jaina saint is really the one man who practices Universal Love He will not hurt even an insect. Let alone inau. He has left the world behind, and will not, on any account, Icok bac's His heart is saturated with abimsā; be even coutrols his bodily automatism, and will never even in thought, wish harm to another living being, be he man or animal. Really, it is only when a man has become so far filled with Universal Love that we can considenıly rely upon him under all circumstances. He wiose ideals are no longer in or of the world, will certainly not degrade himself by doing base worldly things like setting up invidious and hateful distinction amongst men.
The Jaina doctrine of Universal Love (ahimi) which is altogether scientific, and grounded on raiional laws, is the one thing that is needed if we are ever sincerely 10 get over our prejudices. Nothing else will ever succed. Can we not rely on the modern civilization to exclude prejudice from the hearts of men ! I do not think we can.
Shall we not be able to arrive at the era of peace on earth through ma:erialistic trajaing, and the treaties of Nations ? Most certainly not. For, materialism only offers peaceful rest in the grave to the individual, and only cares for the society; but the curbing down of passions is a matter of the individual heari, and materialism possesses no susficient inducement for its acco. mplishment. It is, in reality, our materialism that is responsible for much of our greed, and coveteousness, and through them, for our hateful deeds. It will be a bit of very agreeble news, if materialism were to start teaching renunciation. As for the trea ties of nations; did we not observe their real value during the last (two) wars? Why compel me to say that, to him who thinks
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