Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira, the wicked-Gośāla said, "O Bhagavan 1 was severely beaten in your presence but you did not at all prevent that cruel man from his wicked act. Is it proper for a great man like yourself to show inflifference when I was beaten so ruthlessly. Siddhartha using Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahā, vira as his medium, said, "O ill-behaved man! In case, you are really virtuous, O sinful man! why did you touch that female without any cause when she was going out? Why did you not sit in the interior of the house as we remained silent there Do you expect us to be beaten by siding with you cause By espousing the cause of a wicked man, a guiltless man becomes culpable ".
Śramana Bhagavan Mahavira then went to Patrālaka village and he remained in religious meditation in a solitary desolate house. There also, a son named Khandanka, of the chief of the village, came there at night for sexual intercouse with his maidservant Dantalikā. He shouted loudly to ascertain if there was anyone else in the house. But Gośāla had remained concealed in an apartment of the desolate house Thinking the house to be quite empty, Khandaka had sexual intercourse with the maidservant according to his own desire and when both of them were ready to go out of the house, Gośāla, on hearing theire mutul talk and affectionate discussions laughed clamourously like a devil, and Khandaka on hearing the ridiculous laughter, angrily beat him with fists and stick.
Gośāla then went to Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra, and reproachingly told him, Is this the duty of a leader that in your very presence I got such severe beating? I have assiduously taken your shelter invariably for my protection. If even that protection is not possible, then, devotional service is unprofitable. Even now, masters very respectfully protect their blame worthy devotees then, what to talk about prudent disciples? Siddhartha said; "Ah! this punishment is quite insignificant! I cannot at present say how much you shall suffer on account of your blame-worthy, speech."
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