usage, he asked Pūspa with sweet words. “O my good friend I Why do you, tbus, consider the Science of Signs as faulty ? The venerable authors of canonical works never make false statements, Have you not heard that the Venerable Sage at whose feet the lords of gods and demi-gods, of vidyādharas, human beings, and of kings bow down their heads, whose fame has spread throughout the three worlds, who is the chief propellor of the four kinds of duty, and who having abandoned the wealth of a kingdom as if it were a corrupt woman, is moving about, thus, quite alone is the son of King Siddhārtha ? Besides, he is the same Venerable Sage, with whose splendour the prosperity of all the excellent personages of the nether regions, heavenly kingdoms and of the entire three worlds combined together, cannot be compared even its ten millionth part. tie alone is capable of rescuing people from being drowned in the formidable well of worldly exi. stence, and he alone is clever in grinding to fine dust the evil effects of the daily increasing extraordinary Kali-Kāla-the fourth and the worst age of the world. He is very anxious to open the gates of Siva-mandira (che Mansion of Absolute Happiness ) and he alone has established the wealth of sariyama ( self-control ) on his extensive chest. He is capable of extinguishing the fire of persons burning with the heat of jealousy with the water of pity, and he alone is the treasure of a multitude of incomparable virtuous qualities such as jñāna (knowledge ) darśana (percep. tion) etc". Having thus created confidence in the mind of Püspa with various salutary words, Indra bowed down before the feet of the Jinéśvara, and, then, he went away to his celestial abode.
From Thūnåga Sanniveśa, Śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvīra, moving from one village to another and worshipped by a multitude of gods and enlightening people by his wonderful personality although he observed silence, went to Rājagriha Nagrama town adorned with beautiful pleasure-gardens, admirable forests, and lovely ponds. In the neighbourhood of that town, there is a large Sanniveśa (a dwelling place ) named Nālandā with thousands of tall palatial buildings. There lived a weaver named Arjuna provided with an abundance of wealth and property.
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