10. He, who steals anoider's wealth, shuts the doors of the house of sugati-welfare -and he makes the bonds of Karma tight for the sake of intrinsic happiness of this world.
11. That silly ātmā (soul) certainly accumulates poverty during every birth by it, and he endures the unbearable agouy of separation from his son and wife.
12. Also, those delighting in contentment who do not take even a straw that is not given, become worshipful even to gods, then, what to say about human beings ? 12.
13. Their enjoyments of wealth increase, misfortunes never occur to them. All their mental fancies are fulfilled unobstructedly. 13.
14. Those persons, who eagerly longing after sensual pleasures impelled by a very slight amount of pleasure of this world without controlling themselves, foolishly act like slaves before young females, repeatedly suffer the miseries of obedience to royal orders, wars, etc on account of their addiction to an instinct for sexual inter-course.
16. Persons devoid of sexual instinct on the other hand, becoming adorable by gods and human beings, always enjoy selfborn, imperishable, Supreme Bliss
17. These pre-eminent persons (lions among men ) sanctified by the observance of entire celibacy, acquire vidyă (arts) and mantras ( incantations ) only by remembrance.
18-19-20. Those, who do not observe the vow of abstinence from hoarding of property, and engage themselves by their own actions like a silkworm, become bodily miserable, in all the ways for a very long time, on account of self-interest increasing with further daily acquisitions; and persons devoid of any interest in their own sell, have no regard for their own bodies, and hence how can they have any interest for clothes and utensils ?
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