good woman! Have your seat here. As soon as Candralekha took her seat near him, Vidyasiddha, fraudulently looked up and said Ah! how is it that Gobhadra-a former acquaintance of mine is seen here? O good man! Come here. Are you also entrapped in her fraud that you are seen here although I left you at Benares." Gobhadra thought-Ah! this seems to be gross insolence. Let me adopt the means of forming mutual friendly affection. Neglect of mutual welfare is not proper for excellent persons." With this idea in his mind, Gobhadra said with an anjali on his forehead:--
"O sister Candra-lékhã, O highly meritorious Vidyāsiddha! you are personally very competent, so, although there is nothing worth talking about, however, my mind becoming attracted by your uncommon friendly affection, and also on account of the natural tendency of talking much in a Brahmin, I am desirous of of saying something. Mutual wrath existing between you, is distressing like a great enemy, and it is fit to be abandoned by all means. In the first place, with increase it burns up its own site like fire, how can any one give an opportunity to it? It discloses blemishes in enemies. Anger is present in you also. Why do you not become angry with anger which is the only source of misery. The mind of great men does not become steady on occasions of very great offence. An ocean does not agitate by clouds in the same way that a mountain-river does. Doing an offence to an offender is only a vulgar practice. Great men do only a favour even towards people who have offended them. If that is not the case, how can any one know the distinction between excellent and low persons? One and the same object cannot be nominated by various names. What more can be said! If there is any obstructive argumentation in my words, and if, you are really desirous of behaving along the path of virtuous conduct, and, also, if you are wishing for an everlasting fame as pure as the brightness of mɔɔn-light, abandon your former anger and develope mutual affection. Besides. O Vidyā-siddha ! Why are you not ashamed of enmity towards females who are possessing blameworthy magical powers? O great man! Why do you
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