and with his head bopred down low at Bhagavān's lotus-like teet, he devoutedly said:--O Lord! there is no individual as sinful as myself, since I put you to so many troubles. Also there is none as fortunate as myself, since you lived here for the Cåturmāja. 0 Worshipful Master | Now I can realize that you came here with the object of instructiog me. Otherwise who would like to live in a kennel. O Alunighty Lord ! Had you not taken the trouble of coming here, what agonising pains would I not have suffered on account of my sinful deeds of having killed numerous persons. O Lord of the Universe ! although you have given up all worldly pleasures, you have given me a helping hand from being drowned in the fathomless abyss of Samsāra. Having repeatedly admired śramana Bhagavān Mahavira for excellent qualities of his heart. Súlapāņi Yaksa pierced by the pangs of unbearable separation returned back.
Thus ended the first Câturmāsa of śramana Bhagavān Mahavira after his diksă.
Second Year of Ascetic Life, (B. C. 567-66 )
After the departure of Sūlapāņi Yaksa, the dispassionate Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira, going from one place to another, came to Morā! Sanniveśa and remained in Kāyoisarga at a place free from females, beasts, eunuchs etc. in the suburban garden. In that village there were numerous Acchandakas (peopl's maintaining themselves on the Science of Augury )
ACCHANDAKA An acchandaka lived there on achieving results, by incantations, magic spells, rites for welfare, mystic spells by means of Incanted ashes etc.
Siddhārtha Vyantara, remaining with śramaņa Bhitgavān Mahavira who was in Kāyotsarga, and despairing of amusement although he was fond of quarrel and sport, became impacient on seeing that the Lord was not duly respected. One day, je called a village headman who was passing nearby and sportively siad
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