unbearable, excruciating pains on seven different places, all at a time viz, head, ears, eyes, teeth, nails, nose, and back coutinously throughout the night. The excruciating pain at each of the abrivementioned localities, was singly sufficient to kill any ordinary individual, then, what, to say of the combined effect of the indescribable excruciating pains at all the seven placeh arising simultaneously? But, śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira patienily endured all the afflictions, with perfect calmness.
When Vāņa-vyantara Sūlapāņi was not able to frighten or shake Śram:ana Bhagavān Mahāvira, he becoming exhausted, and despaired, began to think “ Ah! All my efforts are fruitless." However, becoming extremely pleased at heart by the tranquility of śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvîra, be respectfully prostrated himself low at Bhagavan's lotus-like feet and said: “ O Lord ! Being perfectly ignorant of your prowess I have seriously offended you. Please forgive me." Though busily engaged in his own affairs, Siddhārtha-déva, on seeing dreadful troubles to śramanı Bhagavān Mahāvîra, and on remembering the recommendatory words of Indra, came there running and addressing Śülapāņi, said " Ah ! wicked Sūlapāņi! Extremely ill-behaved, desirous of diath and future evil consequences, and devoid of pure motive! Do you not know, S.anaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira-the last (twenty fourth) Tirthařkara-that you have become ready to torment him. O vile being! who knows what punishment you will have if Indra cones to know of this incident! Becoming greatly alarmed, Śūlapāņi repeatedy asked pardon of Śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira. Siddhartha déva admonished Sulapāņi thus:- Have the conviction of a True God, in a god who is free from love and hatred, and the conviction of a True Guru in a well-behaved sådhu. Have faith in the principles of the Tîrtlankaras Do not afflict any living being Repeatedly censure evil actions of your previous life. Because an evil act once done results in million-fold miseries on account of active passion.” Repenting on the remembrance of his having mercilessly killed thousands of people, Śūlapāņi became greatly disgusted witk his life and he began to sing and dance merrily before śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvîra with the object of abating all his
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