purpose cf taking meals at the end of a two-days' fasting. Going about to houses of people of high and low familles, he went to the house of Babula. On seeing Śramaņa Bhagavān Mabăvira with such unparalleled charm of beauty coming at his door, Bahula thought "Ah ! the loveliness of the body of this great sage! Ah! the incomparable treasure of comeliness! Ah! the completeness of all anspicions marks and signs on his body! Ah! The splendour! He is not a person of ordinary qualities! I am only forlunate that he has unexpectedly arrived at my house" With these ideas in bis mind, and with horripilation arising from great delight as if he were ornament d with precious pearls, Bahula instantly got up from his seat and very respecfully placed milk mixed with Ghee (clarified butter) and sugar before the Lord. When Šramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira extended forward his lotus-like hands marked with the auspicious signs of Cakra (wheel ), Ankuşa (the gourd for an elephant) etc, but without holes in the intervals between the fingers, the Brāhmin poured the excellent milk into the cavity of the folded hands of the Lord
The gods descended into the vault of the sky. Some of them began to beat celestial drums of victory with great devotion, Some poured showers of divine flowers. Some threw celestial garments. Some began to sing the virtuous qualities of the Lord. Some raised the ominous cries of "Sudāna!" (an excellent gift! with regard to the giver, the receipient and the article of gist) and some of them began to pour constant showers of gold with intense delight.
On seeing this wonderful event, fiumerous persons of the village came to the Lord out of curiosity. What more! Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra, had milk, the Brābmin obtained gold, aad all the people of the village had the fortune of witnessing such a wonderful event. There was great rejoicing.
Śramaņa Bhagvão Mahāvira, thus took his first meal of milk-pudding in an utensil belonging to a house-holder, ai the house of Brāhmin Bahula in Kollāka Sanniveśa with the object
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