recitations, giving wished-for gists, -and being praleed by celestial bards- eventually entered the grove, named Jñāta-khanda where big trees were appearing beautiful with fresh sprouts, -where gentle wind mixed with the fragrance of flowers of all seasons was spreading in various directions, -where the rays of the Sun were obstructed by the branches of tender trees full of leaves,-where celestial falries were amusing themselves, enraptured as it were, by the extreme loveliness of the natural scenery-where bees attracted by the fragrance of flowers spreading in all directions were roaming about without caring to go to another forest, which on seeing Vardhamana Swami coming to it was as if inviting him readily by extending sprout-like hands set in swinging motion by winds like a beloved person seen after it long tim, which was welcoming him as it were, by the soft ilote of pe..cucks overpowered by an excess of intoxicali:m), --and which was as if worshipping him with tlowers falling down by a gust of wind--What more can any one write about the grove which was defeating the beauty of Nandana Vana by the splendour of its charms and which was sanctified by the lotus -like feet of the Tîrthankara ? Having entered the grove, Vardhamānu Swamî got down from the Candraprabhā sibikā (palarquin), and, as soon as he removed his valuabie garments, ornaments, flower-garlands etc. from his body with his own hands under the Asoka Tree and placed them there, an elderly woman of the family, having picked them up like pearls droppivg down from a string of precious pearls, and, having placed then in the silk cloth interwoven with figures of swan, began to weep mournfully: and addressing Vardhamnāna Swāmi with a speech faltering with sorrow, said, "C) darling! You are born in the Kāşyapa-gotra, You are son of King Siddhārtha. You are,-like the Autumnal Moon in the sky,-a gladdener to the race of Jnāta ksatriyas. You are born froin the womb of Trisala-devi of Vasiştha-gotra. You are a highly distinguished personage among the Kșatriyas. You possess a celestial body endowed with full bloom. You are extremely tender and handsome. You are wonderful with unparalleled beauty, charm, and brilliance.
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