paupers, and to others desirous of acquiring wealth, to ask for gists without reserve. Śramaņa Bhagavāu Mahāvira used to have gifts of gold given away continuously Gifts worth one ciore and eight-lac gold coins were continuously given away during one day. By giving uninterrupted gists of gold, the fame of śramaņa Bhagavān Mhāvîra, spread over Magadha. Bengal, Mysore, Kalinga, Saurāştra and other countries. The people of those countries, used to talk among themselves :" Let us go and see the mightly Lord. Besides, by getting gifts of gold, we shall be able to remove our miserable state in this world, and on account of meritorious Karmas accruing from beholding Him, we sball be able to secure provisions for our journey to the next world. There is no other remedy for escaping from terrible miseries during the next life Let, there. fore, 'Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahaviră be our chlef shelter." With such ideas in mind, numerous beggars from distant countries used to come to Kundagrāma and many returned home with their wished-for desires fulfilled. In this way, although the streets of Kundagrāma Nagara were wide, they became narrowed down by being crowded by passengers walking with difficulty through them. The treasure seen by the auspi - cious eyes of śramaņa Bhagarān Mi.bāvira appeared like gold under the benign lpfluer.ce of his compassion. Whenevere Bhagavān went into the courtyard of his palace, the ground appeared beautified as if with a big CETT Kalpa Vrakşa, Wishing Tree. As giving becam: identical with solicitation, the kinsmen of the giver extended everywhere the words “are Déhi dehi," " Give, give.” The people appointed for giving gifts used to tell the servants every day, "Place jewels in this spread-out cloth and fill this vessel with gold for suppliant persons." In this way, the giving of gifts continued repeatedly for one year, The Jinnéśvara Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahăvîra gave unlaterrupted gifts to individuals in bad condition. In the same manner, others desirous of Final Emancipation should invariably follow the practice. How can any one who becoming infatuated with wealth-which is the source of all evils,-longs for it, keep his soul steady in the ritual
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