previously nade by me has now been fulfilled. I have done my duty. Now slacken the tles of AT& Moha, Infatuation, Help me in accomplishing my religious duties, and give me your permission to accept the vows of an ascetic." On hearing these words-unbearable like the blow of a thunder-bolt, - they said “ O prince ! the grief of the deceased parents has till now been rankling our hearts as it was like a broken thorn lodged there-in, and now this unexpected separation from you wiil become unendurable like the sprinkling of salt on a wound. Ah ! we are so unfortunate that such calamities befall us in succession !" With these words, they began to lament bitterly. Śramaņa Bhagavăn Mahăvira tried to pacify their minds with sweet words Then, stopping the flow of tears with utmost difficulty and preventing the force of the grief which had suddenly become fourfold, they said " O Supreme Lord ! Have compassion for our life, and abandon for the present, your longing for accepting the vows of ascetic life. Even after accepting an ascetic's vows, you are to take care for the protection of the lives of animals, then, is it inappropriate to afford protection to the hearts pierced by the saw of unendurable separation ? On becoming separated from you, but ignorant of the passable or impassable way, like a blind man, and helpless like a foreigner, we are unable to maintain our lives even for a moment. ” Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira then said " If it be so, now say out after an accurate lengthy consultation, when you will give me permission to take Dîkşă. They said “ After the lapse of two years, you can renounce the world.” śramaņa Bhagavān Mabāvira cald, “ Well, let it be so, but you should not be particularly exxious about my food etc.” They said " Very well. We shall do as you like. " Commencing from that very day, śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira abandoned all sinful enterprises, left off the drinking of cold (unboiled ) water, took food free from living creatures, observed extraordinary celebacy, gave up bathing, anointing, taking care of the body etc, and washed his hands feet and other parts of his body only with boiled water (free from living organisms)
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