Law laid down by the Great Sage Pārsva admits only four great vows, while that of Vardhamãda prescribes five (23). “ The jaw taught by Vardhamāna forbids clothing, while that of Great Sage Päráva permits an upper as well as a lower garment' ( 29 ) Both doctrines being meant for the same goal, why this difference ?
The reply of Gautama is perhaps not so clear as might be desired but it does, not the less, satisfy Kesin, and dissipate his uncertainties. In itself the reply is of little importance. The questions put by the disciples of Pārsva evidence the two lead. ing differences which separated these doctrin::s; Pärśva permitted clothing, Mahāvira prescribed nakidne-s; Pārsva admitted only four great vowe, Mahavira added a fifth that of chastity.
The part of Mahāvira is thus clearly marked. It was that of a Reformer. Initiated from his youth in the Doctrines of Pār. śva, the observances of this order soon appeared to him insufficient. Imbued with the idea of a rigorous penance, he preached nudity, and chastity, and it was no doubt on these two heads that the Jains-his followers differentiated themselves from the older school of the Nirgranthas.
Besides the Nirgranthas, there is still another sect which presents more than, one point of resemblance with the Jains. It is that of the Ajivikas, whose chief was Gośäla. This one accor ding to Dr. Jacobi, had ex: rcised the most considerable influence upon Mahāvîra. But the problem does not cease to be obscure. According to the Bhagavati Sūtra, Gośāla seems to have lived at first six years in the company of Mabāvira. Later on, he se paraled, started a new discipline, and established a new sectthat of ihe Ajivikas. Thus, he seems to have been an apostlate disciple of Mahāvīra; prescribing like Mahāvira, nudity, and the other observances common to both the schools.
This hypotheses is quite a legitimate one, and Mr. Hoerole accepts it On the other hand, Dr. Jacobi coneiders Mahā. vîra, and Gośāla to have been chiefs of two secta originally indepedent of each other. After living together for six year, with
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