females of the harem making him slowly advancing on footsteps by his parents in various ways, spoken to by domestic servants every now and then, carefully honoured by gods and goddesses, sung by numerous songs, taught by various lessons, and painted in pictures, Vardhamana Kumāra gradually grew up like a Kalpa Vriksa (the Wishing Tree) in the cave of a high mountain.
The name Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira was given by the gods in this way.
The eminent sages say-Vardhamāna kumāra, whose birthfestival was celebrated by the Indras of the gods and demigods, grew up in course of time like the crescent Moon of the second day of the fortnight or the blosom of the Paradise Tree,
He was
द्विजराजमुखो गजराजगतिः, अरुणोष्ठपुटः सितदन्तततिः । शितिकेशभरोऽम्बुजमजुकरः सुरभिश्वसितः ममयोल्लसितः ।। १ ।। मतिमान् श्रुतवान् प्रथितावधियुक्, पृथुपूर्वमवस्मरणो गतरुक् । मतिकान्तिवृतिप्रभृतिस्वगुणैर्जगतोऽप्यधिको जगतीतिचकः ॥ २ ॥
1. Dvija-raja-mukho gajarāja-gatih, aruposthapuṭaḥ sitadanta
Siti kesabharo'mbuja-munjukarah, surbhisvasitaḥ prabhayo
2. Matimän śrutavän
samarano gata-ruk;
Mati-kanti-dhriti prabhriti sva
jagati tilakah. 2
prathitavadhiyuk, prithu-pūrvabhava–
Jain Education International
I He was moon-faced, with the galt of a lordly elephant, with the slits of his lips resembling a rising Sun, with the rows of white teeth. with black hair, with beautiful lotus-like hands, with fragrant breath, and was shining with radiant beauty.
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