be a god who is the creator, and ruler of the world, Hinduism believes in a large number of additional gods; in Jainism there is no room for any one in the class of gods except Perfect Men.
The significance of worshlp Itself is different in the religions. In Jainism, the idea is only that of walking in the footsteps of a Model, to become like him; there is no prayer, and no offering of food, and unguents to please the Deity. In Hin. duiem it is the propitiation of gods for which worship is performed,
In respect of their Scriptures also, great differences prevail between Jalnism, and Hinduism. not one of the Books of the Hindus is acceptable to the Jains, nor do the Hindus acknowledge a single composition of the latter. The contents of these scriptures also differ very materially. Not one part of the four Vedas, and the 18 Pu:āņas of the Hindus is included in the Jaina Scriptures. Nor is any part of the Jaina Sacred Literature Included in the Hindu Books. The matters in respect of which there seems to be an agreement between the two communities are purely social; their significance wherever they have a religi. ous bearing is divergent. Ordinary agreement in respect of such matters is naturally to be expected wherever two communities are found living together for thousands of years especially intermarriages take place among them, as between the Hindus, and the Jains. Thus there is not an iota of evidence to support the notion that Jains are Hindu dissenters,
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