power that he would not shrink a moment from most cruelly inflicted wound to his body, as for instance, the impaction of Iron nails into both his ears by the cow-herds at Shanmāni grama पण्मानिग्राम a villege near Madhyama Apapa मध्यम अपापा Nagari, in such a way, that their sharp ends touched each other, and their ends catside the ears were cut close to the meatuses to escape detection, or he bad the fortitude to endure the most terrible twenty Upasargas geni, Molestations done to Him by the wicked demi-gcd Sangama , during one night only, for six months, which no other mortal will ever think of undergoing.
He was very self-willed and often self-opinionated, 80 that, it was exceedingly difficult to restrain him as he was always inclined to act upon Impulse without waiting to mature his plans. He was frank and outspoken, and was exceedingly generous; in addition to his daily charities, he gave daily during the quarter of the day, one crore and eight lac gold mohars as Samvatsari Dānā egrefcana, lasting for one year previous to his Diksa amounting to the huge sum of three hnndred and eighty-eight crore and eighty lac gold coins, to the poor and needy by way of charity.
Though he was fond of reason and argument, he was Assertive and combative with Karmas of his previous life.
Sramaņa Bhagavān Mabăvîra loved to engage his mlad in great enterprises. With Him, intellect was the main feature and He understood his own emotions and feelings. He was llving up to the highest strength of his character. He had not the slightest tendency towards enmity towards Cança kausic care the serpent who stung him nor did he entertain any affection for Bakrendra ma-the king of the godswho worshipped him.
He was a very grand character especially in all pioneer work; his enthusiasm being rarely daunted by obstacles. Once
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