Journeys were numerous and frequent for some sacred purposes.
The Ruling planet was Saturn ( Sani gfa ) at the moment of birth. Sramaņa Bhagavao Mahāvīra had, therefore, a dispo-sition, that was sober, serious, and thoughtfnl. This planet naturally rules the latter portion of life, and, therefore, its best influence was not seen until youth was passed He had the fullest self-controi, reserve, and restraint, as well as, Datural inclination to prudence and cautiousness
He had the highest strength of will, and a patient perse. vering disposition, with calmness, fortitude and serenity. He had a good deal of practical ability, prudence, patience, chastity, self-control, and the highest type of meditative mood; and he was able to distinguish between Real Truth and super. ficial pretentiousness
The Ruling planet Saturn ( Sani urf) was in the tenth house of the radical borsscopo at the moment of birth. Sranana Bhagavan Mahävira was, therefore, aspiring, enter prising, and got the highest recognition. He rose in life every day, and achieved honour and worship from various kings and emperors, and even from thousands of gods,
This position of Saturn indicates a close link with the father and mother, and so, Šramaga Bhagavan Mabăvira was not able to renounce the world aud take Diksă fie Initiation into an Order of Monks, so long as both his parents were alive.
The Moon ( Candra was in the ninth house at the moment of birth. Sramana Bhagavän Mahavira's mind was, therefore, very good and prone to invastigate metaphysical subjects, taking a deep interest in all systems of Philosophy
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