1-2. One hundred and eight persons attained Siddhi fata Final Liberation during the time of Srî Rishabha-deva. The origin of Hari Vamsa aftat, the Hari Race, took place during the time of Śrî Sitala Näth. The going of Krişna Vasudeva to Apara Kankā I happened during the timo of Sri Némi Nāth A female becoming a Tirthankara uccurred. in the case Tirthankara of Sri Malli Nāth. The worship of the uncon. secrated came in vogue during the time of the ninth Tirthankara i-e of Śrî Suvidhi Naib Ffafuata. The remaining hve strange events viz 1. The occurrence of Upasargāḥ 39ef: troubles. Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvira had numerous troubles from gods during pre-Kevali stage and he had troubles from Gośāla during the Kévali stage. Such a thing never happens to a Tirthankara as be possesses a predominence of unusual merit. But it did accur in the case of Sramana Bbagavāu Mahavira and bence it is reckoned as a strange event. 2. The Gabbhaharana TEHGTO transference of the foetus from one womb to another. This never happened with any Tirthankara except with śramana Bhagavãn Mahavira and hence it is a strange event Such an event occurred only once during innumerable ages; 3. The Abhäviã Parisă fan ofre The fruitlessness of the first preaching of a Tirthankara as the assenibly consisted only of gols and lower animals who are devoid of any inclination to taking vows. This accurrence never happened in the case of any Tiribankara during Innumerable Avasarpiul ages but it did happen in the case of Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahavira and hence it is a strange event 4. Camarntpālah WARTETTE: The ascent of Camarendra. This is an accidental thing and her.ce it is a strange event, and 5. Avayaraṇam Canda-Suranam Batu To The descent of the Moon and the Sun in their original Vimāna fanta ( celestial chariot ) at Kauśambi
for the purpose of giving their respects to the Venerable Saint-these five strange events happened during the time of śra maņa Bhagavān Malāvira.
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