Viewing the scenery of the countary beautified by moun. talns, cities, mines, villages and foresta; subduing chlefs of bbils (a wild mountain tribe) living in inaccessible colonies of butsestablishing the policy of his ancestors, beholding hermitages made charming by the splendid dancing of pea-cocks doubting the appearance of clouds on seeing a covering of smoke springlng up from the constant burning of ghee, honey, sacrificial sticks for the sacred fire, and Dūrvā grass, Nara-Vikrama Kumāra after daily journeying for several days, reached the pleasuregarden outside Jayanti Nagari. King Narasimha was informed of the arrival of the Kumāra there. The town was decorated and silken flags and banners were hung on public roads. On an auspicious day, Nara - Vikrama Kumāra, accompained by King Narasimha surrounded by members of his harem and by his ministers, feudal rulers, and citizens, entered the town. In buildings on both the sides of the public roads, people were sitting with rice-grains mixed with flowers in their hands, out of curiosity of seeing Nara-Vlkrama Kumara, and young females began to manifest various pranks caused by amorous emotions on seeing the beauty of the Kumāra Some female began to hit Nara-Vikrama Kumāra with rice grains mixed with flowers as if out of envy on seeing the image of the prince reflected on the shining cheeks of he co-wife. Some silly female, smitten by the God of Love on looking at the Kumara with her eyes wide open, could not even notice her garment slipping down from her waist by a gust of wind. Some young female becoming bewilder ed on steadily looking at Nara-Vikrama Kumāra from the terrace of her house, appeared like a flag by the flowing to and fro of her cloth by wind. Also, some lovely female told her mother:Mother! There is much confused noise on all sides, I am going to see what it is due to." Her mother replied- O deer-eyed ! Do not go there. It certainly is tbat the Kumāra is coming. An exceedlogły simple-minded girl told her mother-in-law, when she was returning "On Beelng the prince Nara. Vikrama Kumara, one's mental quietude is lost." Now, prince Nara-Vikrama Kumāra whose beauty of form had been deservedly sung sportively
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