38. Prati-văsudeva Ašvagrîva then, went into his bathroom. He had an excellent bath. He wore beautiful garments as bright as the flowers of the Kuša grass, tied fragrant flowers to his hair, and applied a paste of sandal-wood to his whole body. The royal chaplain, then, cid. propitiatory rites for averting evil and be placed Durvā (a kind of millet-grass-- Panicum Dactylon) grass and rice-grains on the head of the king. Auspicious jugs were placed before him, a vessel filled with clarified butter was shown to him, and the eight auspicious objects were painted before him
Prati-vāsudeva Ašvagrîva, then mounted a lordly elephant painted bright red with red lead on his temples and decorated with various ornaments on his body, from whose temples intoxicating temple-juice was o-zing out, and who was extremely Irresistible in overcoming enemies A spacious white umbrella as bright and white as a mass of foam capable of defeating by Its extent the area of orb of Full Moon, and embellished with a border of hanging strings of pearls, was held over his head. Courtezans fanning him with white chowries kept standing on both his sides, and battle-drum, Mukund ( wind instrument ) ketilo-drums, and large drums, giving out solemn sound like the bellowing of elephants of quarters began to beat violently, and the king became ready for a march.
Huge elephants as if fanning like chowries with their earsirresistible by their violent arrogance, with temple-juice oozing out from their temples, as black as the leaves of Tamāla Trees; unapproachable owing to extreme valour; tall like great moun. tains; and furnished with small bells making a jingling noise, -started on. Then, horses-beautiful wild long tails, well-instrucred, satisfying their owners with their handsome gait, with a speed as swift as that of wind marked with auspicious signs on their bodies, not encountered before by enemies and lovely like the horses of the Sun,-proceeded on. Then, chariots -beautified with paintings of various kinds, capable of gaming victory, equipped with numerous weapons, furnished with
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