words, he made prepartions for a march. The princes entreatingly said :-“Father ! Permit us to go and do the work” The king replied, “My dear children ! You are not yet full-grown and you do not yet know what is right and wrong. You, therefore, desist from this procedure. I myself will go." The princes said “ Any how, you send us there, we certainly desire to go and we are anxious to see what that líon is like." The king said, "My dear sons! Birth in a spotless family as pure as the Moon, the accumulation of more wealth than that possessed by the God of Wealth, the supremacy of uninfringible order, unparalleled cleverness in clean arts and sciences, ability in understanding the meanings of all Sastras (religious doctrines ), exertion with all weapons, uncommon vigour the wealth of matchless beauty-only one object out of these is able to lead any one to a wrong path, then, why should there be so much pertinacity in this matter alone? You possess all the articles mentioned above and who is going to prevent you from employing them to your advantage? Besides, enemies are very spiteful and unbridled rogues. No one knows when miseries will befall us and you are very careless. We cannot at present know what the future consequences will be. You, therefore, leave aside your intense obstinaey." They replied-“ Father ! Let things happen as they naturally do! But, we are certainly desirous of going there.
Princes go to Rice-fields, Though prevented from going there, the Princes took several officers, elephants, horses, chariots, soldiers, and attendants with them, and reached the rice fields where the lion was living. There, they asked the cultivators__"Ah! How did other kings protect you from the ravages of the lion before " They replied :--"O princes! Arranging an enclosure like three ramparts with best elephants appearing beautiful by the splendour of their extensive armours, with handsome well-bred horses having a velocity greater than that of the wind, and with multitudes of warriors bearing spears, javelins, arrows, lances, and other
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