Bhagavān Mabăvira had during his third previous Bhava as Marici Muni, continued in constant succession during his next fourteen Bhavas, and consequently he repeatedly adopted the life of a wandering mendicant. The evil influence of the entfchieriCăritra Mohaniya Karma-A Karma preventing the adoption of a duly-regulated ascetic life-which he had acquired during his Bhava as Maricl Muni by discarding a highly-regulated ascetic life, had become gradually less during succeeding lives and with complete subsidence, and destruction of the Caritra Mohaniya Karma, during the Sixteenth Bhava, Visvabhūti Kumāra on getting a slight pretext adopted a well-regulated ascetic life.
While carefully observing the religious duties of a wellregulated ascetic life, Visvabhūti Munl studied the Siddbåntas and he then commenced the practice of difficult austerities. He used to observe one month's fasting at a time, and his body had consequently become emaciated. It is Interesting to know how the supreme influence of previous Karmas was relent-lessly exercised by creating opportunities even for such a pious and highly devout Muni ( well-regulated ascetic ) in bringing him to a low degraded condition It came to be devised that one day Visvabhūti Muni went about on a begging-tour in Mathurā with the object of getting some food, and drink-material for breaking fast at the end of one of his oft-repeated one month's fasting at a time And at that time he happened to pass by the place where Visākhănandi-his cousin-who had gone there with a large retinue for his own marriage-ceremony. All the members of the family saw and recognized the Muni. Instead of utilizlug the excellent opportunity of reaching a higher stage of spirituality by bowing down before a highly plous Muni observing numerous one-monthly fastings, and giving food, and drink-materials to such a deserving individual, they misused the chance and thus they became the prime cause of evil to both. Foolish persons desirous of a long-continued Samsăra always create evil both for themselves and for others. It is but natural that body becomes debilitated by severe austerities. The body of the pious saint Vigvabhūti Muni had become greatly emaciated,
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