Jaina Religion as is maintained by some Western scholars, but he was one of the most convincing and erudite esponents of the codes framed by the Tirthankaras.
Jainism is not an offset either of Budilhism or of the ancient Hinduism, but it is more ancient than Buddhism and the ancient Hinduism, and there are numerous passages in the sacred works of the Hindus to prove the antiquity of the Jaina Religion. Even from the most standard and authentic works of the Hindus, the Jaina Religion is acknowledged to date at least from the time of Tirthankara Bhagavān Śrt Risabha-deva Swami.
The author of the present work is Muni Ratna Prabha Vijayaji-a highly respected disciple of Sāsan Samrat Acarya Mahārāja Srîmān Vijaya-Nemisūrisvaraji. Before joining the Order of Jaina Monks, he was Trikambbāi,. Having matriculated in the University of Bombay from the Government High School at Ahmedabad, he joined the Grant Medical College at Bombay, anil completed the full five years' course of Medical studies there. With the object of prosecuting further studies, he went to America, passing by China and Japan route, remained as a regular Medical student for nearly two years at New York Homcopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital at New York, and graduating there, obtained the M D. degree of the State Uni. versity of New York, and returned home by Ireland, Scotland, England; France, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Austria (4 four months at Vienna, "for eye ear) Italy,-Alexandria, Cairo, Arden, Bombay, making a short trip round the world.
On his arrival froin Europe, Dr. Trikambhāı was given sole charge of Sheth Jaunābhāi Bhagubhāi Homeopathic Dispensary, at Kalupur Road, Ahmedabad, which has till now a daily attenclance of 1000 to 1100 patients of all castes and creeds. During his second voyage to Europe in company of Late Seth Bakubhái (Seth Mansukhbhai's daughter's son ) Dr. Trikambhāi lived at London for six months attending clinics at London Homoeopathic Hospital and at Vienna for eight months for the study of eye
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